Monday, May 20, 2013

Kersten wants everyone to know she got her own email☺

I'm sending you 20 bucks to buy a memory card. I realize it may be more expensive than that, but HELLO I sent you 10 for your birthday too lol! But if you really can't get one with just 20 I demand that you let me know and I will send more. I'm serious Jake, this is important. I wouldn't demand these things if I didn't love you very much.
It was fun talking to you Sunday! I know you are such a fabulous missionary and that the Lord is mindful of you!
Always remember you're my favorite brother!!!!! I sent  you that picture of me sharing my special blanket with you so you'll remember that :)
I already used your 10 dollars to get a frozen yogurt and jamaba juice, so thanks. You should know I am not a big camera person, even with a memory card I still might not take many pictures. I will try just for you.

Elder Peterson.

P.S. I am your only brother.

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